Welcome to Linked-ideas

Do you want to create a new idea?

Are you looking for a good idea?

1. Complete your profile

Complete your profile to get more visibility and build trust with your fellow users

Complete profile

1. Complete your profile

Complete your profile to get more visibility and build trust with your fellow users

Complete profile

2. Create a new idea

Publish your idea to receive feedback or to find other people who want to join your idea

Create Idea

2. View all ideas published

Here you can view all the ideas that have been published by others members

List of ideas

3. Manage who has requested to join your idea

You decide who joins your idea by accepting requests from other members


3. Request to join or rate ideas from others

Find the idea you would like to work on and make a request to the author to join the idea

4. Chat with others members

Contact the people who are interested in your idea and make your dream of entrepreneurship a reality


4. Chat with others members

Ask your questions about an idea to the author and convince him to be part of the project


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