Terms of use

Terms of Use

These terms of use are intended to govern the use of the linked-ideas.com Site. Registration on the site in accordance with the terms set out below implies your express and unreserved acceptance of the Terms of use. Use of this website is reserved for strictly personal use. Users of this site acknowledge that they have the skills and means necessary to access and use it. Any use or visualization of the services provided by linked-ideas.com assumes that the user of said services undertakes to comply with these Terms of Use. linked-ideas.com may also modify these Terms of Use, without prior notification. Any modification of the Terms of use will be the subject of a special mention within the Site. In case of refusal of the new conditions, you can simply request the deletion of your linked-ideas.com account. Refusal to subscribe to these conditions will make it impossible to use the service offered by the linked-ideas.com activity.

1. Introduction

The Site is a community site designed to facilitate contact between people who share reciprocal needs related to different categories of personal services. The Site does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented, which is written under the sole responsibility of the members. In accordance with Internet practices and customs, advertising may be inserted within the Site as well as promotional or sponsored links. The brands present on this site remain the property of their applicants.The Site is freely accessible and free of charge for all Users.

Signing up and creating a profile is free. Subject to compliance with the terms of this contract, profiles and advertisements are published without financial compensation. Searching and viewing the content of profiles or ideas is free.

2. Your Intellectual Property

linked-ideas.com does not acquire any ownership rights in your content. By making your content accessible, you grant linked-ideas.com a Creative Commons Paternity 2.0 license on this content, for the duration of its presence on the Site. Therefore, the site may in particular offer other users the ability (i) to view your content on the Site or, from the Site on other electronic communications media (in particular, mobile phones) and (ii) download your content to other media. You are also informed that, given the intrinsic characteristics of the internet, the data transmitted, in particular your content, is not protected against the risks of diversion and / or pirating, for which we cannot be held responsible. It is your responsibility, if necessary, to take all appropriate measures to protect this data.

3. Our Intellectual Property

The Site is our exclusive property. In general, we grant you a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use the Site, any other right being expressly excluded without our prior written consent.

4. Our responsibility as a host

We are not legally bound by any general obligation to monitor the content transmitted or stored via the Site. The only obligations inherent to our quality of host concern (i) the fight against certain content according to the procedure described in the section Prohibited content, (ii) the conservation of your connection data, moreover covered by professional secrecy and processed in compliance with legal provisions relating to Personal Data and (iii) the removal of any clearly illegal content, once we have actually become aware of it.

5. Your user responsibility

In your capacity as the content provider of the Site, whether they are photographs, videos or comments that you provide, you are required to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that the storage and distribution of this content via the Site does not constitute:

a violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties, (ii) an attack on persons (in particular defamation, insults, insults, etc.) and on respect for private life, (iii) an attack on public order and good morals (in particular, apology for crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography, etc.), (iv) remarks or content of a discriminatory nature (religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, mores, age, ethnicity or any other type of discrimination as defined in article 225-1 of the penal code), and (v) remarks of a political, sectarian, sexist nature, etc. Otherwise, the content will be removed under the conditions referred to in paragraph 4 and / or your account deactivated without prior formality. In addition, you will incur, on a personal basis, the criminal sanctions specific to the content in dispute (prison sentences and a fine), in addition to the possible condemnation to the payment of damages. Taking into account the community nature of the Site and out of respect for the sensitivities of each, it is up to the user to maintain a certain ethics with regard to the photographs, videos and / or comments posted online and, in particular, to refrain from disseminating any insulting, violent or pornographic content. For all practical purposes, each content is automatically associated with a link allowing other users to report any abuse.

6. Registration and Access

6.1 Registration
In order to benefit from all of the Site's functionalities, you can create an account using the online form provided for this purpose. Registration is prohibited for legal persons without express authorization from the linked-ideas.com Site. The Member guarantees that the data he communicates is accurate. He undertakes to inform linked-ideas.com without delay in the event of any modification of the data which he communicated during his registration and, if necessary, to carry out the said modifications himself. He remains free at any time to modify the content of the Personal Data communicated on this occasion. In addition, linked-ideas.com does not have the means to ensure the identity of the persons registering for its services, linked-ideas.com is not responsible in the event of the usurpation of the identity of a Member. If the Member has reason to believe that a person is using their credentials or their account, they must immediately inform linked-ideas.com. Access to your account can be made by entering your username and associated password, the confidentiality of which you alone ensure. In any case linked-ideas.com can not be held responsible for the loss of its usernames and / or passwords by the Member. The use of the Site following your registration is valid for an indefinite period. We reserve the right to terminate it at any time. In the event of non-compliance with the obligations inherent to your above liability, access to your personal space may be, immediately and without notice, temporarily or permanently by means of the deactivation of your account, without prejudice to our other rights.

6.2 Access
The equipment (computer, software, means of telecommunications, etc.) allowing access to the services are the sole responsibility of the Member, as are the telecommunications costs incurred by their use.

7. Partner sites

linked-ideas.com can not be held responsible for errors or the unavailability of certain information provided on its site by partners or by Internet users. Partners are third parties. Also, when you use the services offered by a partner and, in particular, when you go to its website from the linked-ideas.com site to buy a good or a service, these Terms of Use are no longer applicable. and you will have to accept the general conditions of sale of the partner. Only the partner is responsible for the prices actually applied. Likewise, linked-ideas.com cannot be held responsible for content added by partners or by Internet users to the linked-ideas.com site:
(a) any misleading or false information or distorted presentation with regard to the products or services offered by the Customer,
(b) any information, audio document, video document, graphic or other work in violation of the copyright of the trademark or the intellectual property rights of any other person
(c) the hypertext links set up within the framework of this website to other websites, and, in general, to any existing resource on the Internet.

8. Use of service

8.1 Data
The Member authorizes linked-ideas.com to distribute on its website and on advertising or communication media, its full name, the content of its advertisement, as well as the photos associated with its account and the photos and videos where it is located during the event (s) sponsored, organized, or sponsored by linked-ideas.com.
The member authorizes linked-ideas.com to distribute his full name, full contact details, the content of his ad and profile, as well as the photo (s) associated with his account to partners.
These same data may be used by partners authorized by linked-ideas.com and disseminated on their own platforms (web, internet, or other).
When a Member wishes to provide linked-ideas.com with the contact details of a third party, he undertakes to have previously obtained his consent for the processing of this data by linked-ideas.com. He is also exclusively responsible with regard to this third party and the consequences of transmitting his contact details to linked-ideas.com. linked-ideas.com reserves the right to delete accounts deemed inactive according to criteria which it deems appropriate. The Member declares that he is familiar with the internet, its characteristics and its limits and recognizes:
(i) that he publishes, interrogates, consults, requests, stores data accessible on the Internet under his sole responsibility.
(ii) that he is fully aware that his data and personal information may be visible to search engines.
(iii) that it is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect its own data and software stored on its equipment from intrusion attempts into its computer system by third parties
(iiii) that despite the technical means implemented to prevent third-party intrusions on machines and in parts reserved for Members, linked-ideas.com cannot be held responsible for hacking or possible alterations of Member data. by third parties.

8.2 Principles of use
linked-ideas.com allows:

- To users looking for a idea, to find among the ideas published by others members .
- To users publishing their ideas to be put in touch with interested users.

In no case will users be able to claim a guarantee of service or results with respect to the uses described above.
The veracity, validity and accuracy of the ideas published by users in no way engage the responsibility of linked-ideas.com, and remain the sole responsibility of their author. linked-ideas.com does not make any commitment on the quality of the ideas published by the Users nor on their modalities.

Consequently, linked-ideas disclaims all liability relating to the content of the ideas they publish and / or the services, meetings, that may result therefrom. For any breach by a User of his obligations under these terms and the Law, the liability of linked-ideas.com is expressly excluded.

linked-ideas.com recalls that it is important to take certain precautions during physical meetings between Users. linked-ideas.com advises its Users to always meet beforehand in public places and to keep a person close to them informed of the place and time of the meeting.

linked-ideas.com also reminds that Users must carry out by themselves all the checks that they deem necessary in relation to the person they wish to maintain a collaboration.

By using linked-ideas.com, users undertake to comply with their legal reporting obligations, as employer or employee.

The contractualization, the legal declaration and the stablish of a new company as a result of a idea are the sole responsibility of the Users. If one of these turns out to be faulty, the liability of linked-ideas.com is expressly excluded.

Use and registration with linked-ideas implies full acceptance of the above principles.

8.3 Nature of use and data
linked-ideas.com is a private community site. Members are therefore not allowed to:

- Use linked-ideas.com for purposes other than that of exposing a idea to find others member for collaboration.
- To use the data of the ideas of the other members for other purpose than that of entering in relation personally to join or collaborate in the idea exposed.
- The following are therefore not authorized: publicity, defamation, jokes, etc.

linked-ideas sets up a contact email allowing any user to alert linked-ideas.com of any use contrary to the aforementioned principles. As a host, linked-ideas.com cannot be held responsible for the non-application of these rules and its liability is limited to the rules described in article 4.

linked-ideas.com also reminds users that it reserves the right not to publish a profile, idea, or a photo that it considers unethical on the site, without having to justify it.

8.4 Prohibited content
In its capacity as host, linked-ideas.com is legally bound to set up an easily accessible and visible system, allowing anyone to bring to its attention the distribution, via the Site, of content relating to:

- the apology for crimes against humanity,
- incitement to racial hatred,
- child pornography,
- incitement to violence,
- attack on human dignity,
- any form of discrimination.

Article 225-1 of the Criminal Code defines discrimination in particular as any distinction made between natural persons on the grounds of their origin, sex, disability, genetic characteristics, mores, sexual orientation, of their gender identity, of their belonging or not belonging, true or supposed, to an ethnic group, a Nation, a so-called race or a determined religion [..]. The offense of discrimination, criminalized in article 225-2 4 ° of the penal code, is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

You have for this purpose a specific button "Report", located systematically next to the content. You can also send us a detailed letter specifying the date, your identity, the URL address of the contentious content, its description and the identifier of its author. Following receipt by tophelp.ch of a report addressing the offenses referred to above, the content concerned will immediately be deleted from the Site and notified to the competent public authorities. For all practical purposes, it is recalled that the fact, for any person, of presenting a content or an activity as being illegal in order to obtain the withdrawal or to stop the distribution, whereas he knows this inaccurate information, is punished by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.

8.5 User obligations
By accessing the linked-ideas.com website, the User declares, guarantees and undertakes to:

- Do not publish false information about his identity, skills and qualifications.
- Do not use means intended to affect the proper functioning of the site and its services.
- Do not directly or indirectly market the services offered by the linked-ideas.com site.
- Do not contravene the provisions of articles 323-1 to 323-7 of the Penal Code repressing so-called "hacking" practices.
- Not to reuse or reproduce, in any way whatsoever, any part of the website and the services it contains.
- The user is solely responsible for all the information he communicates to linked-ideas.com.
- In the context of free use of the site and without premium access having been purchased by the member, to respect the framework and the perimeter provided by the site: namely not to encourage another member of the site to contact him by a means other than the site and not to communicate in particular his last name, his electronic mail, an address of Internet site, if this information is expressly requested by linked-ideas.com.

In the event of a breach of one or other of these obligations and, without this list being exhaustive, the user acknowledges and accepts that linked-ideas.com will have the option of refusing him, unilaterally and without prior notification, the access to all or part of the website.

In the event that the linked-ideas.com platform is used by an unauthorized legal person, compensation claims may be claimed.

8.6 Implementation of cookies
The User is informed that part of the Services requires the installation of cookies.

Cookies are small text files stored for a limited period in the RAM of a computer (these are called "session" cookies), or in the hard drive of the computer (these are cookies. known as "permanent"). Cookies contain eg. information on the accesses made so far by the User on the corresponding server, information concerning the offers that he has consulted so far, or information on the terms of payment that have been agreed in the transactions previously performed. The main purpose of cookies is to store certain information, on the one hand, by providing the User with an offer that is specific to him, and, on the other hand, by setting up use of the Services as comfortable as possible. In this way, the User can visit the pages of the Website without having to reset all the settings each time. On the other hand, cookies are not set up to carry out, in an autonomous way, programs and even less to load viruses on the computer of the User.
The Website uses session cookies and permanent cookies.
Most Internet browsers are set as standard, that is, to accept cookies. The User however has the right and the possibility to configure his browser software in such a way as to refuse these cookies or to obtain at least that the prior acceptance of the User is required. If the User refuses the registration or deletes the cookies, this may however result in the volume of the Services being reduced and that all the offers no longer work optimally.

8.7 Identity verification
linked-ideas.com offers an identity verification service to its members. A "verified identity" mention is given on the profiles of members who have subscribed to it and who have successfully completed the verification process:
- email verifiction
- phone verification

This verification is a verification of principle. In any case tophelp.ch does not guarantee the identity of the person who created the profile.

Under no circumstances can linked-ideas.com be held responsible for the theft of a Member's identity or for a false declaration, even if the "verified identity" badge is assigned to the profile.

8.8 Internal messaging
linked-ideas.com offers an internet messaging service to the site.
Messages exchanged through this service can only be viewed by their sender, recipient, group of members included in the conversation, or members of the linked-ideas.com team.
Members are informed through these Terms of use of the non-confidential and non-personal nature of this service.
Even if in practice the messages cannot be read by other members, in any case linked-ideas.com can not be held responsible for access by anyone to these communications.
In addition, members are informed that the linked-ideas.com team may be required to read the messages exchanged, in particular for the purposes of:
- verification of user satisfaction
- verification of the correct use of the site by users
- or for any other reason left to the discretion of the linked-ideas.com team

linked-ideas.com reserves the rights to ban any user account whose behavior is not considered adequate or in accordance with the Terms of use following reading of the communications exchanged through this service.

9. Site availability

The Site is in principle accessible 24 / 24h, 7 / 7d, except interruption, scheduled or not, for the needs of its maintenance or in case of force majeure. Being in fact subject to an obligation of means, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the unavailability of the Site.

10. Proof, Conservation and Archiving

The computerized registers kept in our systems in accordance with the rules of the art in terms of security, will be considered as proof of e-mail communications, sending of registration forms, postings and downloads of content (text, photographs and videos) . Registration forms are archived on a medium likely to ensure the fidelity and durability required by the legal provisions in force. It is agreed that in the event of a discrepancy between our computerized registers and the documents in paper or electronic format available to you, our computerized registers shall prevail.

11. Indemnities

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless linked-ideas.com, its subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their officers, agents, partners and employees, against any loss, liability, claim or claim, including all reasonable attorneys' fees, by any third party, caused by or resulting from your use of the Site violating the provisions of this Agreement and / or resulting from any breach of this Agreement and / or from any breach of your declarations and guarantees defined above and / or or if any Content you post on the Site makes linked-ideas.com liable to other people, to the extent that such liability is attributable to blameworthy conduct.

12. Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

Given the international dimension of the Internet network, linked-ideas.com reminds you that you must comply with all mandatory rules and public order applicable in the country where you reside. The General Conditions of Use are subject to Suisse law. In the event of a dispute arising out of the execution, termination or conditions of this contract, the parties will endeavor to settle their dispute amicably. If no amicable solution is found and subject to any contrary public policy provision, the dispute will be brought before the competent courts of Switzerland.

13. Miscelllaneous

If any part of the Terms of Use should prove to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the term or terms in question would be declared non-existent and the remaining terms would retain all their force and scope and would continue to apply. be applicable. The terms declared non-existent are replaced by one (of) terms which will be closer as to its content of the canceled clause.

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